Edit Artefact: CB-001
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Facts about "CB-001"
ArtefactAdditionalMedia | Image:None + |
ArtefactBasicColour | Black + |
ArtefactCondition | Good + |
ArtefactContext | Loose in soil + |
ArtefactDepotNumber | 1935,1207.426 + |
ArtefactDescription | Supposedly a Halaf cylinder seal, the chances of it being so are unlikely. + |
ArtefactDrawing | + |
ArtefactExcavator | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan + |
ArtefactExcavatorNumber | S.775 + |
ArtefactFace | + |
ArtefactImpression | + |
ArtefactLength | 17 mm (0.669 inches) + |
ArtefactLocation | The British Museum + |
ArtefactMeasurementComment | Complete + |
ArtefactOther | + |
ArtefactPhase | KhaburVeryLate + |
ArtefactReferences | Mallowan (1936) (pp.11. 29. pl.I.5) + and Wiseman (1962) (p.33 pl.29a) + |
ArtefactReverse | + |
ArtefactSide | + |
ArtefactSpecificColour | Black + |
ArtefactType | Cylinder Seal + |
ArtefactWidth | 0.009 m (0.9 cm, 9 mm, 9.0e-6 km, 5.592339e-6 miles, 0.0295 foot, 0.354 inches) + |
ItemCode | CB-001 + |
MaterialBasic | Stone + |
MaterialSpecific | Unknown Stone + |
Period | Historic + |
PhaseComment | Coming from -16.5m in the Prehistoric pit … Coming from -16.5m in the Prehistoric pit this object is borderline between the Halaf and the early Third Millennium. Given the style and form (people and a cylinder seal) it is much more likely that it is an erratic than an actual Halaf cylinder seal for which there would be absolutely no parallels. ch there would be absolutely no parallels. + |
Site | Chagar Bazar + |
SiteLotGroup | Unassigned + |
SubPeriod | Unknown (Khabur) + |
Page has default form This property is a special property in this wiki. | Artefact + |