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Facts about "AP-002"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactBasicColourGreen +
ArtefactConditionBroken Face +
ArtefactContextLoose in soil +
ArtefactDepotNumber1934,0210.337 +
ArtefactDepthUnknown +
ArtefactDescriptionOval mottled green stone pendant seal; Pro
Oval mottled green stone pendant seal; Profile is wedge shaped with the reverse slightly curved; pierced at the top; incised geometric design with a central cross and other incisions roughly aligned with the centre of the artefact. Face of the seal is slightly broken.
fact. Face of the seal is slightly broken. +
ArtefactDrawingFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactExcavatorMax Edgar Lucien Mallowan +
ArtefactExcavatorNumberA. 47 +
ArtefactExcavatorTypeAmulet +
ArtefactFaceFile:AP-002 Face.jpg +
ArtefactHeightFull0.00576 m (0.576 cm, 5.76 mm, 5.76e-6 km, 3.579097e-6 miles, 0.0189 foot, 0.227 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactLength14.23 mm (0.56 inches) +
ArtefactLocationCategory:The British Museum +
ArtefactMeasurementCommentComplete +
ArtefactOtherFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactPhaseArpMid +
ArtefactReferencesVon Wickede (1990) (p.289 no.99) + and Mallowan and Rose (1935) (Pl. VIIIa) +
ArtefactReverseFile:AP-002 Reverse.jpg +
ArtefactSideFile:AP-002 Side.jpg +
ArtefactSpecificColourGreen Grey +
ArtefactTypeCategory:Stamp Seal +
ArtefactWeight1.0e-3 kg (1 g, 1.57473e-4 stones, 0.0022 lb, 0.0353 onces) +
ArtefactWidth0.0179 m (1.79 cm, 17.9 mm, 1.79e-5 km, 1.112254e-5 miles, 0.0587 foot, 0.705 inches) +
BodyFaceOval +
BodyPiercingVertical Eyelet +
BodyReverseWedge +
BodyTypePendant +
DesignGroupRadiating Lines +
DesignSubGroupLines and Diagonal Cross +
ItemCodeAP-002 +
MaterialBasicCategory:Stone +
MaterialSpecificCategory:Steatite +
PeriodHalaf +
PhaseCommentNo contextual information available. Typologically and morphologically ArpMid so assigned there. +
SealingTypeNot a Sealing +
SiteCategory:Arpachiyah +
SiteAreaCategory:Arpachiyah Site Areas +
SiteLotUnassigned +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
SubPeriodUnknown (Arpachiyah) +
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Artefact +