Revision history of "AP-127"

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Facts about "AP-127"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactBasicColourBrown +
ArtefactConditionGood +
ArtefactContextBurnt Structure +
ArtefactDepotNumber1934,0210.548 +
ArtefactDepthT.T.6 +
ArtefactDescriptionBaked clay bead; long and tubular with strange markings on one side; lots of pressed vs and larger triangular areas. +
ArtefactDrawingFile:None +
ArtefactExcavatorMax Edgar Lucien Mallowan +
ArtefactExcavatorNumberA. 893 +
ArtefactExcavatorTypeAmulet/Stamp Seal +
ArtefactFaceFile:AP-127 Face.jpg +
ArtefactHeightFull0.00622 m (0.622 cm, 6.22 mm, 6.22e-6 km, 3.864928e-6 miles, 0.0204 foot, 0.245 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:None +
ArtefactLength29.52 mm (1.162 inches) +
ArtefactLocationThe British Museum +
ArtefactMeasurementCommentComplete +
ArtefactOtherFile:None +
ArtefactPhaseArpMid +
ArtefactReferencesMallowan and Rose (1935) (PL. VII(b)) +
ArtefactReverseFile:AP-127 Reverse.jpg +
ArtefactSideFile:AP-127 Side.jpg +
ArtefactSpecificColourTerracotta +
ArtefactTypeBead +
ArtefactWeight0 kg (0 g, 0 stones, 0 lb, 0 onces) +
ArtefactWidth0.0125 m (1.254 cm, 12.54 mm, 1.254e-5 km, 7.791992e-6 miles, 0.0411 foot, 0.494 inches) +
BodyFaceOval +
BodyPiercingPierced through Body +
BodyReverseLentoid +
BodyTypeBead +
DesignGroupNot a Seal +
DesignSubGroupWedges +
ItemCodeAP-127 +
MaterialBasicClay +
MaterialSpecificBaked Clay +
PeriodHalaf +
PhaseCommentFrom the burnt structure. +
SiteArpachiyah +
SiteAreaArpachiyah TT +
SiteLotUnassigned +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
SubPeriodT.T.6 +
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Artefact +