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Facts about "TB-010"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactBasicColourBlack +
ArtefactConditionGood +
ArtefactContextLoose in soil +
ArtefactDepotNumber1908,0613.6 +
ArtefactDescriptionRectangular sealing face with a notch on one side and a bump on the opposite side. Reverse is a low ridge aligned on the other two sides from the notch and bump. Is incised with a set of 4 similar shapes aligned with the corners, the centre is empty. The +
ArtefactDrawingFile:None +
ArtefactFaceFile:TB-010 Face.jpg +
ArtefactHeightFull0.00596 m (0.596 cm, 5.96 mm, 5.96e-6 km, 3.703371e-6 miles, 0.0196 foot, 0.235 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:TB-010 Impression.jpg +
ArtefactLength20.62 mm (0.812 inches) +
ArtefactLocationThe British Museum +
ArtefactMeasurementCommentComplete +
ArtefactOtherFile:None +
ArtefactReferencesAuthor (date) (PG) +
ArtefactReverseFile:TB-010 Reverse.jpg +
ArtefactSideFile:TB-010 Side.jpg +
ArtefactSpecificColourMottled black +
ArtefactTypeStamp Seal +
ArtefactWeight0.004 kg (4 g, 6.29892e-4 stones, 0.00882 lb, 0.141 onces) +
ArtefactWidth0.0202 m (2.019 cm, 20.19 mm, 2.019e-5 km, 1.254548e-5 miles, 0.0662 foot, 0.795 inches) +
BodyFaceRounded Square +
BodyPiercingPierced through Body +
BodyReverseGable +
BodyTypeStamp +
DesignGroupAligned centre +
DesignSubGroupClaws +
ItemCodeTB-010 +
MaterialBasicStone +
MaterialSpecificMarble +
PeriodHalaf +
SealingTypeNot a Sealing +
SiteTell Bashar +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
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Artefact +