Information for "DZ-124"

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Basic information

Display titleDZ-124
Default sort keyDZ-124
Page length (in bytes)1,084
Page ID2172
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes

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Edit history

Page creatorSimon (Talk | contribs)
Date of page creation11:28, 14 May 2011
Latest editorSimon (Talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit16:17, 12 January 2012
Total number of edits13
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (6)

Templates used on this page:

Facts about "DZ-124"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactBasicColourBrown +
ArtefactContextLoose in soil +
ArtefactDrawingFile:DZ-124 Drawing.jpg +
ArtefactExcavatorStuart Campbell +
ArtefactExcavatorNumberDT-2021 +
ArtefactExcavatorTypeVaried +
ArtefactFaceFile:DZ-124 Face.jpg +
ArtefactHeightFull0.0091 m (0.91 cm, 9.1 mm, 9.1e-6 km, 5.654476e-6 miles, 0.0299 foot, 0.358 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:DZ-124 Impression.jpg +
ArtefactLength30.6 mm (1.205 inches) +
ArtefactLocationKahramanmaras Museum +
ArtefactMeasurementCommentLength and Width broken +
ArtefactOtherFile:None +
ArtefactPhaseC-7 +
ArtefactReferencesAuthor (date) (PG) +
ArtefactReverseFile:DZ-124 Reverse.jpg +
ArtefactSideFile:DZ-124 Side.jpg +, File:DZ-124 Side B.jpg + and File:DZ-124 Side C.jpg +
ArtefactSpecificColourBrown +
ArtefactTypeSealings +
ArtefactWeight0.0035 kg (3.5 g, 5.511555e-4 stones, 0.00772 lb, 0.123 onces) +
ArtefactWidth0.016 m (1.6 cm, 16 mm, 1.6e-5 km, 9.941936e-6 miles, 0.0525 foot, 0.63 inches) +
BodyTypeSealing +
DataQualityA +
DesignGroupLinear +
DesignSubGroupVertical and Horizontal lines +
ItemCodeDZ-124 +
MaterialBasicClay +
MaterialCommentComplete +
MaterialOriginUnknown +
MaterialSpecificBaked Clay +
PeriodHalaf +
SealingTypeCover +
SiteDomuztepe +
SiteAreaDT-Operation VIII +
SiteLot2607 +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
Page has default form
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Artefact +