Information for "UR-001"

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Display titleUR-001
Default sort keyUR-001
Page length (in bytes)1,351
Page ID549
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes

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Edit history

Page creatorSimon (Talk | contribs)
Date of page creation15:42, 27 May 2010
Latest editorSimon (Talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit16:32, 19 January 2012
Total number of edits12
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

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Facts about "UR-001"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactBasicColourBrown +
ArtefactConditionAverage (damage to suspension piercing in creation +
ArtefactContextPg Pit W below the silt stratum +
ArtefactDepotNumber1933,1013.92 +
ArtefactDescriptionOval sealing face with incised design. The
Oval sealing face with incised design. The design has a framing circle of triangles with the central space transversly divided by an un-incised line into two halfs, each half uses incised triangles to crate symmetrical incised lines. The reverse is a very Vol IV, fired clay with carved design
ery Vol IV, fired clay with carved design +
ArtefactDrawingFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactExcavatorLeonard Woolley +
ArtefactExcavatorNumberU.18589 +
ArtefactExcavatorTypeBead +
ArtefactFaceFile:UR-001 Face.jpg +
ArtefactHeightFull0.00532 m (0.532 cm, 5.32 mm, 5.32e-6 km, 3.305694e-6 miles, 0.0175 foot, 0.209 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactLength26.16 mm (1.03 inches) +
ArtefactLocationCategory:The British Museum +
ArtefactMeasurementCommentComplete +
ArtefactOtherFile:None.jpg +
ArtefactReferencesAuthor (date) (PG) +
ArtefactReverseFile:UR-001 Reverse.jpg +
ArtefactSideFile:UR-001 Side.jpg +
ArtefactSpecificColourDeep beige +
ArtefactTypeCategory:Stamp Seal +
ArtefactWeight0.003 kg (3 g, 4.72419e-4 stones, 0.00661 lb, 0.106 onces) +
ArtefactWidth0.0224 m (2.235 cm, 22.35 mm, 2.235e-5 km, 1.388764e-5 miles, 0.0733 foot, 0.88 inches) +
BodyFaceOval +
BodyPiercingPierced through Body +
BodyReverseLentoid +
BodyTypeStamp +
DesignGroupLinear +
DesignSubGroupParallel Chevrons +
ItemCodeUR-001 +
MaterialBasicCategory:Clay +
MaterialSpecificCategory:Baked Clay +
PeriodUbaid +
SealingTypeNot a Sealing +
SiteCategory:Ur +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
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Artefact +