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| ?ArtefactDepth = Depth
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| ?ArtefactType
| ?PhaseComment
| format=widetable
| limit=200}}
{{#ask: [[Category:Arpachiyah]] [[ItemCode::+]]
| ?ArtefactExcavatorNumber = A number
| ?ArtefactDepotNumber = Depot number
| ?ArtefactContext = Context
| ?ArtefactDepth = Depth
| ?SiteArea = Area
| ?ArtefactType
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Latest revision as of 16:54, 12 January 2012

This synthesis page covers what contextual information there is for Arpachiyah. Arpachiyah was excavated before single-context recording and without the use of coordinates so the SiteLot, SiteLotGroup, and ArtefactCoord properties are not used. Instead ArtefactContext is used for specific information, depth when available, and Site Area for the generic trench/level.

 A numberDepot numberContextDepthAreaPeriodSubPeriodArtefactPhaseArtefactTypePhaseComment
AP-001A. 431934,0210.336Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the burnt structure.
AP-002A. 471934,0210.337Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Typologically and morphologically ArpMid so assigned there.
AP-003A. 5531934,0210.338Loose in soil3.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as 'FN. -3.50m close to tomb.' Difficult to contextualise. F is the Ubaid cemetery but -3.5m is below all except two of the burials(G. 40 and 42) which were cut into Halaf levels. Assuming the artefact was just close to one of the burials and not part of one it shall be assigned to the Halaf levels.
AP-004A. 5511934,0210.339UnknownUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTyped record records T.T. Terrace W. Side, hand-written appears to say T.T. Trenches W. Side but is pretty illegible. There is no record of a terrace in any part of T.T. This artefact is typologically is typically Halaf so has been assumed to come from ArpMid.
AP-005A. 5521934,0210.340Unknown1.6 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -1.6m is an ambiguous area. It appears to be a mixture of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. The references to 1.6 F in the report imply a heavy Halaf presence with only limited intrusive Ubaid elements in that area. As such artefact is assumed to be Halaf and ArpMid.
AP-006A. 5811934,0210.341Loose in soilT.T.7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.7ArpMidStamp SealT.T.7 directly underlies T.T.6 and elements of T.T.6 overlapped T.T.7 so likely very similar in date.
AP-007A. 391934,0210.342Unknown2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -2.5m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-008A. 111934,0210.343Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantArea D is especially ambiguous and was recorded to contain predominately Halaf burials and occupation, but there is very little information about the first 2.5m where there is mentioned to be Uruk pottery but with no discussion. As such given the form and the Halaf parallels it will be assigned to ArpMid.
AP-009A. 51934,0210.344Unknown2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTrench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary'. The location is also problematic but is likely between D and F which would suggest the artefact is also ArpMid.
AP-010A. 411934,0210.345UnknownT.T.6-7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6/7ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as T.T. Platform 6-7. S.side. There is no mention of a platform in the reports but the artefact can be assumed to be either immediately below or part of T.T.6.
AP-011A. 421934,0210.346Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealFrom T.T. but no other contextual information. Typologically Halaf so assigned to ArpMid.
AP-012A. 8921934,0210.347Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-013A. 8741934,0210.348Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-014A. 61934,0210.349Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo known contextual information. Typologically still probably ArpMid.
AP-015A. 41934,0210.350Surface0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as: Akropolis (AK), West-Central, Surface. Pre-Al-Ubaid level. AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Mallowan and Rose record it as Pre-Al-Ubaid and typologically it fits so it has been assigned to ArpMid.
AP-016A. 8741934,0210.351Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the burnt structure.
AP-017A. 401934,0210.352Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available but typologically Halaf so ArpMid.
AP-018A. 141934,0210.353Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)PendantNo contextual information available and typologically fragmentary.
AP-019A. 8961934,0210.354Loose in soil3.1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(C.-3.10m. Bottom of tholos) Trench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary'. Presumable this comes from the bottom of the tholos ossuary, the tholoi are traditionally Halaf so presumable this is as well.
AP-020A. 8671934,0210.355Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-021A. 5841934,0210.356Loose in soilT.T.7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.7ArpMidStamp Seal{T.T.6 Under house, outside tholos} Presumable from T.T.7 as T.T.6 does not contain a Tholos. As such ArpMid.
AP-022A. 8811934,0210.357Loose in soilT.T. 5Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.5ArpMidStamp SealT.T.5 is very messy, but morphology of this artefact is unusual but the design typically Halaf. As such ArpMid with some reservations.
AP-023A. 8821934,0210.358Loose in soil0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp SealF is the Ubaid cemetery cut into the Halaf. The top-metre lacks any structural material but contains mostly Ubaid pottery making this object likely to be ArpLate.
AP-024A.?1934,0210.359UnknownUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)Stamp SealNo record has been found of this artefact in the small find catalogue. Presumable Arpachiyah but no evidence to be certain.
AP-025A. 171934,0210.360Loose in soil1.8mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTrench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary'. The location is also problematic but is likely between D and F which would suggest the artefact is also ArpMid.
AP-026A. 8871934,0210.361Loose in soilUnknownUnknownHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealThis artefact is from Gogjeli and the only contextual information is that it was associated with Halaf pottery. This makes contextualisation difficult as the morphology, though not the design, is also very unusual. Have assigned to ArpMid but the certainty of this designation is limited.
AP-027A. 8701934,0210.362Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-028A. 8731934,0210.363Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-029A. 8641934,0210.364Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-030A. 8611934,0210.365Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-031A. 8601934,0210.366Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-032A. 151934,0210.367Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)Stamp SealNo available contextual information. ArpMid assigned due to the similarities with other objects from Arpachiyah.
AP-033A. 8661934,0210.368Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the Burnt Structure.
AP-034A. 8931934,0210.550Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBeadNo contextual information beyond T.T. available. 6 similar beads were found with the rest of the contextual information suggesting they came from the top metre of F implying an Ubaid date for these artefacts. They have all therefore been assigned as ArpLate.
AP-035A. 5611934,0210.369Loose in soil5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(JK.-5.00m.) No contextual information is available about JK except that it contains a grave at -2.75m which is interpreted as Halaf making this artefact presumable Halaf. Assigned to ArpMid.
AP-036A. 361934,0210.370Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealLoose in soil with no contextual information. Morphologically and Stylistically ArpMid so assigned there.
AP-037A. 5661934,0210.371Loose in soil1.7 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -1.7m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual.
AP-038A. 5641934,0210.372Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealLoose in soil with no contextual information. Morphologically and Stylistically ArpMid so assigned there.
AP-039A. 5651934,0210.373Loose in soil3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -3m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual. A child burial is mentioned at -3m but with no mention of associated amulets (except a flint knife).
AP-040A. 5701934,0210.374Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal
AP-041A. 5621934,0210.375Loose in soil1.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(J.-1.50m.) No information is available about trench J as such SiteArea assigned to Arpachiyah Unknown and stylisticsally assigned to ArpMid.
AP-042A. 301934,0210.376Loose in soil0 mArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp SealFound on the surface at Trench C, C from 0.7m down is Halaf but is probably Ubaid or later from above. Stylistically and morphologically this artefact is also unusual making any typological positioning difficult.
AP-043A.?1934,0210.377UnknownUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)Stamp SealNo reference to this artefact has been found in the small finds catalogue. Stylistically and morphologically is unusual, might be early but limited reason to have any clue.
AP-044A. 281934,0210.378Loose in soil0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp Seal(AK. Road B. Top metre). A.K. is again assumed to be part of T.T.5 and the level is still very mixed with both Halaf and Ubaid artefacts mixed intogether. ArpMid or ArpLate, the style, material and form are both unusual.
AP-045A. 341934,0210.379Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateStamp SealNo contextual information available, design is very unusual as well. Potential parallels from the Terminal Ubaid at Tepe Gawra (see Tobler, 1950: pl. CLIX, 28 & 29.) As such assigned as ArpVeryLate.
AP-046A. 8931934,0210.549Loose in soilT.T.5Arpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBeadNo contextual information beyond T.T.5 available. 6 similar beads were found with the rest of the contextual information suggesting they came from the top metre of F implying an Ubaid date for these artefacts. They have all therefore been assigned as ArpLate.
AP-047A. 1B15000Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information beyond 'dump' available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-048A. 2UnknownBurial2.8mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as '-2.8m Jacob's Kitchen. Perhaps from disturbed burial'. Height matches the description of the disturbed burial in JK but association is not possible to prove, stylistically ArpMid. Context set as burial.
AP-049A. 353/441Loose in soil2.8 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as: Akropolis (AK) -1m Central Side. Pre-Al-Ubaid level. AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Mallowan and Rose record it as Pre-Al-Ubaid and typologically it fits so it has been assigned to ArpMid.
AP-050A. 753/440Loose in soil1mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information, form and style suggest ArpMid.
AP-051A. 8B15035Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information, form and style suggest ArpMid.
AP-052A. 9B15046Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantNo contextual information, form and style suggest ArpMid.
AP-053A. 10B15025Loose in soil0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as: (AK. W.end. Subsurface, above main road to AK). AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Is stylistically ArpMid
AP-054A. 12B15007Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-055A. 13B15009Loose in soil1.2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -1.2m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. context explicitly mentions below the Ubaid burials so assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-056A. 16B15008Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-057A. 18B14999Loose in soil1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as: (AK. Road. B-1m.). AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Stylistically very typically ArpMid.
AP-058A. 19B14990Loose in soil3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealArea B makes A look informative, apparently small amount of Ubaid at the top but no traces of it lower down implying a Halaf date for an object 3m down. As such ArpMid.
AP-059A. 20B15021Loose in soil2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(JK.-2.50m.) No contextual information is available about JK except that it contains a grave at -2.75m which is interpreted as Halaf making this artefact presumable Halaf. Assigned to ArpMid.
AP-060A. 2153/434Loose in soil2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealE -2.5m is in the bread ovens. There Halaf. So probably ArpMid.
AP-061A. 22B15041Loose in soil3.2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(C.-3.2m. Outside Tem.chamber.) Trench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. Presumable this comes from around there. The tholoi, though not tholoi, are Halaf so presumable this is as well.
AP-062A. 23B14995Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as: (Loose in soil AK). AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Stylistically very typically ArpMid.
AP-063A. 24B15047Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTrench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. Very hard to assign a period to this one but stylistically Halaf so put in ArpMid
AP-064A. 25B15081Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidBeadRecorded as: (Loose in soil AK. Road B). AK is probably T.T.5 but there are no clear records of where this is meant to be except the report says 'Area. T.T.5. (A.K.)' so is presumable similar. T.T.5 is a very disturbed level between the abandonment of the Halaf settlement and the Ubaid levels. Stylistically difficult, an obsidian disk with strange piercings. Probably a bead, provisionally ArpMid
AP-065A. 26B15093Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-066A. 27B14968Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-067A. 29B14972Loose in soilT.T.0-1Arpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp Seal(T.T.Top.) the top of the tepe is mostly Ubaid. Right at the top however is very messy, stylistically this object is very hard to place but for want of further evidence it will be assigned to ArpLate.
AP-068A. 3153/442Loose in soil2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -2m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual.
AP-069A. 32B14992Loose in soil2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantE -2m is in the bread ovens. There Halaf. So probably ArpMid.
AP-070A. 3353/368Loose in soil3.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendant(C.Tem.Corner -3.50m.) Trench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. Presumable this comes from around there. The tholoi, though not tholoi, are Halaf so presumable this is as well.
AP-071A. 35B15018Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-072A. 37UnknownLoose in soil2.5-3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -2.5-3m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual. A child burial is mentioned at -3m but with no mention of associated amulets (except a flint knife).
AP-073A. 902B14994Burial1.7mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendant(Burial J (G58). -1.7m F.) From a Halaf burial later disturbed either by Ubaid burials or Halaf re-use of the material. A pot-sherd was found near the feet containing a variety of artefacts including a celt, an obsidian knife, some barley, some human finger bones and a variety of bone implements.
AP-074A. 4453/484Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-075A. 45B15027Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-076A. 4653/439Loose in soil1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -1m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-077A. 48B15013Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(JK. Loose in Soil) No contextual information is available about JK except that it contains a grave at -2.75m which is interpreted as Halaf. Stylistically very Halaf like so assumed to be ArpMid.
AP-078A. 4953/437Loose in soil1.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -1.5m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-079A. 50B14997Loose in soil0.6 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(CD. 0.60m.) Difficult context to decide. CD 0.60m is shallow but stylistically the artefact is Halaf. As such assigned as Halaf.
AP-080A. 554B15003Loose in soilT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(T.T.6. House outside tholos) Not quite the burnt structure, but in one of the surrounding structures presumable.
AP-081A. 555B14991Loose in soil1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealMR is the 'main cemetary' aspect that is otherwise in trench F. As before it has Ubaid graves in a Halaf matrix. Stylistically Halaf so assigned as ArpMid.
AP-082A. 556B14996Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTrench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. Very hard to assign a period to this one but stylistically Halaf so put in ArpMid
AP-083A. 55753/458Loose in soilT.T. 6-7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6/7ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as T.T. 6-7. These two periods are very close together but exact information is not quite possible. Unsurprisingly.
AP-084A. 559B15001Loose in soilT.T.7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealT.T.7 immediately underlies T.T.6 so is happily ArpMid.
AP-085A. 560B15014Loose in soil1.5 mArpachiyah HHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(H.-1.50m) No information is available on Area H for 1.5m except that there is pise and hard red clay and maybe a bread oven. There is a grain silo at 2m which is Halaf and there are Halaf sherds from 0.8m so presumable this artefact is ArpMid.
AP-086A. 563B14998Loose in soil. F.UnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF is again the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-087A. 567B15034F.-1.00m.1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -1m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-088A. 56853/459Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-089A. 569B?Loose in soilT.T.1-2Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp Seal(T.T.-0.8m) the top of the tepe is mostly Ubaid. Right at the top however is very messy, stylistically this object is very hard to place but for want of further evidence it will be assigned to ArpLate.
AP-090A. 571B15010Loose in soil3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealTrench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. Presumable ArpMid becuase of the depth but without stylistic information this designation is highly provisional.
AP-091A. 57253/436Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-092A. 573B?Loose in soil2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -2.5m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. No mention of the the graves so assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-093A. 574B15052Loose in soilT.T.1-2Arpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp Seal(T.T.0.80m) the top of the tepe is mostly Ubaid. Right at the top however is very messy, stylistically this object is very hard to place but for want of further evidence it will be assigned to ArpLate.
AP-094A. 57553/473T.T.6T.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as T.T. 6. No distinct mention of being from within the Burnt Structure but hopefully contemporaneous.
AP-095A. 576B14989Loose in soil2.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealMR is the 'main cemetary' aspect that is otherwise in trench F. As before it has Ubaid graves in a Halaf matrix. Stylistically Halaf so assigned as ArpMid.
AP-096A. 577B15012Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-097A. 578B15029Loose in soilT.T. 6-7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as T.T. 6-7. These two periods are very close together but exact information is not quite possible. Unsurprisingly.
AP-098A. 579B15028Loose in soilT.T. 6-7Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealRecorded as T.T. 6-7. These two periods are very close together but exact information is not quite possible. Unsurprisingly.
AP-099A. 580B15002LT.T. 5Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp Seal(Loose in soil T.T.5) T.T.5 is very ambiguous and a mixture of the Halaf of T.T.6 and the Ubaid of T.T.4 (there being no apparent transitional). As such objects can go either way. Stylistically this is a very ambiguous artefact. ArpLate assigned for no good reason.
AP-100A. 582B15024Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealNo contextual information available. Stylistically probable ArpMid.
AP-101A. 899B15089Loose in soil0.8 mArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBeadF -0.8m is just about high enough to hit the area full of Ubaid pottery. Likely an Ubaid artefact as above the level of the graves.
AP-102A. 585B15023Loose in soil1.9 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -1.9m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual.
AP-103A. 586B15033Loose in soilT.T.4Arpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLatePendant(T.T. 4, Well). The well at Arpachiyah was dug in the Halaf period and then filled in at some ambiguous period during the Ubaid? From Mallowan's context it can be assumed to be post-Halaf. However Von Wickede defines the sealings from this context as Uruk. Stylistically it is ambiguous. Put as ArpLate for safeties sake.
AP-104A. 587UnknownBurnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-105A. 862B15004Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-106A. 863B15005Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-107A. 865B15006Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-108A. 868UnknownBurnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidStamp SealFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-109A. 869B14993Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-110A. 871UnknownBurnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-111A. 872B15040Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidPendantFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-112A. 876B?Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-113A. 877B15045Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-114A. 883B15019Loose in soil0.4 mArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateStamp SealF -0.4m is just about high enough to hit the area full of Ubaid pottery. Likely an Ubaid artefact as above the level of the graves.
AP-115A. 884B14983Loose in soil0.9 mArpachiyah Site AreasUbaidUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBeadF -0.9m is just about high enough to hit the area full of Ubaid pottery. Likely an Ubaid artefact as above the level of the graves.
AP-116A. 885B15030Loose in soil1.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp Seal(C.-1.50m Dest. Corner.) Trench C is very poorly recorded but contained the stone roads which are Halaf in this section and a 'tholos ossuary' with temenos chamber. No mention of a Dest. Corner. but stylistically clearly ArpMid.
AP-117A. 886B15017Loose in soil3.50 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendant(F.N.-3.50m. From Tell Halaf grave in plundered refuse. G.18.) reputedly from a Halaf burial. The burial (G40) is missing its skull though the teeth remain. No mention is made of the pendant in the description of the grave so hard to actually assign to context or period. Assumed to be ArpMid and Loose in Soil.
AP-118A. 888B15011Loose in soil3.3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -3.3m is slightly below most of the Ubaid again burials so is likely to be ArpMid.
AP-119A. 88953/435Loose in soil1.25 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLatePendant(DW. -1.250m.) West extension of Trench D. As ever poorly documented with the mention of Ubaid and Uruk pottery intermixed. Form is also very unusual with parallels from Level 12 and 11 (very late Ubaid) from Tepe Gawra (see Tobler (1950) pl: CLXXIII, 41 and 42. As such it is assigned as ArpVeryLate.
AP-120A. 890UnknownLoose in soil0.09mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBeadArea D is especially ambiguous and was recorded to contain predominately Halaf burials and occupation, but there is very little information about the first 2.5m where there is mentioned to be Uruk and Ubaid pottery but with no discussion. As such given the form and the parallels with A. 893 it shall be assigned to ArpLate
AP-121A. 891B15037Loose in soil2.225 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantF -2.225 m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. No mention of the the graves so assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-122A. 893B15020 + B15031Loose in soil1 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLateBead(FE.Top metre. TT5. and FI.00m (Archaic 1).) No contextual information beyond T.T. available. 6 similar beads were found with the rest of the contextual information suggesting they came from the top metre of F implying an Ubaid date for these artefacts. They have all therefore been assigned as ArpLate.
AP-123A. 89453/438Loose in soil3.7 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidStamp SealF -3.7m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. No mention of the the graves so assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-124A. 895B15042Loose in soil3 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendantThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -3m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual. A child burial is mentioned at -3m but with no mention of associated amulets (except a flint knife).
AP-125A. 897B15049Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpLatePendant(AK. W.C. Tholos stones) presumable again from T.T.5. W.C. is not obviously anything. No images of this pendant exist and the only description is partial. It seems likely it comes from the western part of the top around the area of the stone roads As such assigned as ArpLate.
AP-126A. 898B15038Loose in soil3.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidPendant(FN. -3.50m. Next to tomb) is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Next to tomb is hard to interpret but a direct association would likely have been mentioned so shall be assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-127A. 8931934,0210.548Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidBeadFrom the burnt structure.
AP-128A. 601B15095Loose in soilT.T.4Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealings(T.T. 4, Well). The well at Arpachiyah was dug in the Halaf period and then filled in at some ambiguous period during the Ubaid? From Mallowan's context it can be assumed to be post-Halaf. Von Wickede defines it as Uruk. Stylistically it is much closer to late Ubaid/early Uruk then the Halaf so assumed to be ArpVeryLate.
AP-129A. 60253/463Loose in soilT.T.4Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealings(T.T. 4, Well). The well at Arpachiyah was dug in the Halaf period and then filled in at some ambiguous period during the Ubaid? From Mallowan's context it can be assumed to be post-Halaf. Von Wickede defines it as Uruk. Stylistically it is much closer to late Ubaid/early Uruk then the Halaf so assumed to be ArpVeryLate.
AP-130A. 603B15096Loose in soilT.T.4Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealings(T.T. 4, Well). The well at Arpachiyah was dug in the Halaf period and then filled in at some ambiguous period during the Ubaid? From Mallowan's context it can be assumed to be post-Halaf. Von Wickede defines it as Uruk. Stylistically it is much closer to late Ubaid/early Uruk then the Halaf so assumed to be ArpVeryLate.
AP-131A. 6041934,0210.387Loose in soilT.T.4Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealings(T.T. 4, Well). The well at Arpachiyah was dug in the Halaf period and then filled in at some ambiguous period during the Ubaid? From Mallowan's context it can be assumed to be post-Halaf. Von Wickede defines it as Uruk. Stylistically it is much closer to late Ubaid/early Uruk then the Halaf so assumed to be ArpVeryLate.
AP-132A. 605B15097C, Surface0 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsC is still difficult, but the surface location, design, and von Wickde all suggest ArpVeryLate.
AP-133A. 6061934,0210.388Surface0 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsSee von Wickede reference. G is the least recorded of the trenches with a single comment about 2 bowls found at 1.1m. Stylistically Uruk so von Wickede's designation will be followed.
AP-134A. 607B15098G, Surface0 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsSee von Wickede reference. G is the least recorded of the trenches with a single comment about 2 bowls found at 1.1m. Stylistically Uruk so von Wickede's designation will be followed.
AP-135A. 608B15099Loose in soil0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsRecorded as "Top metre of F." Stylistically this impression is very hard to place in either the Halaf or Ubaid and von Wickede assigns it to the Uruk. Due to the difficult nature of the top of F von Wickede will be assumed to be correct.
AP-136A. 60953/464Loose in soil0-1 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsRecorded as "in loose soil, probably from top metre of F." Stylistically this impression is very hard to place in either the Halaf or Ubaid and von Wickede assigns it to the Uruk. Due to the difficult nature of the top of F von Wickede will be assumed to be correct.
AP-137A. 61053/469Loose in soil1.7 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsSee von Wickede reference. G is the least recorded of the trenches with a single comment about 2 bowls found at 1.1m. Stylistically Uruk so von Wickede's designation will be followed.
AP-138A. 611B15100Loose in soil1.7 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsSee von Wickede reference. G is the least recorded of the trenches with a single comment about 2 bowls found at 1.1m. Stylistically the inter-twinned snakes are Uruk so von Wickede's designation will be followed.
AP-139A. 6121934,0210.390Loose in soil0.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsTrench D is again ambiguous and no mention of the upper levels is provided. Stylistically Uruk, as von Wickede argues, so in ArpVeryLate.
AP-140A. 613B15101Loose in soil0.5 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsTrench D is again ambiguous and no mention of the upper levels is provided. Stylistically Uruk, as von Wickede argues, so in ArpVeryLate.
AP-141A. 614AB15102Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-142A. 614B53/465Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-143A. 615AB15103Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-144A. 615BB15103Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-145A. 615CB15103Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-146A. 615D53/466Loose in soil2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsThe West extension of trench E is also ambiguous but appears at -2m to have contained 'bread ovens' of Halaf period levels. No further contextual information is available with no mention of the bread ovens in association with anything artefactual.
AP-147A. 615E53/466Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealings(T.T. Terraces) The only other artefact with Terrace in the context is AP-004 a typically Halaf pendant seal. As such this artefact is also assigned to ArpMid.
AP-148A. 615F1934,0210.380Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-149A. 616B15104Loose in soilT.T.2Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsT.T.2 is towards the top of the mound and argueable happily Ubaid. Von Wickede again defines the sealing as Uruk however and his judgement is again followed.
AP-150A. 617B15105Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsFrom T.T. but loose in soil. Artefact is in the Baghdad museum and the picture in Mallowan and Rose is imperfect. Stylistically ArpMid and assigned as such by von Wicked.
AP-151A. 6181934,0210.381Loose in soilT.T 3mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealings(T.T., -3m, from pit by stones) 3m down from the top of the tell places this artefact probably in T.T.5 or 6. As such based on its Halaf morphology it will be assigned to ArpMid.
AP-152A. 619AB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-153A. 619BB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-154A. 619CB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-155A. 619DB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-156A. 619EB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-157A. 619FB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-158A. 619GB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-159A. 619HB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-160A. 619IB15185Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-161A. 619J1934,0210.383Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-162A. 619K1934,0210.384Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-163A. 619L1934,0210.389Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-164A. 619M53/467Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-165A. 619N53/1325Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-166A. 619O53/467Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-167A. 619P53/467Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-168A. 619Q53/467Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-169A. 619R53/467Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-170A. 620AB15184Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-171A. 620BB15184Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-172A. 620CB15184Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-173A. 620DB15184Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-174A. 620E53/468Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-175A. 620F53/468Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-176A. 620G1934,0210.385Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-177A. 620H1934,0210.386Burnt StructureT.T.6Arpachiyah Site AreasHalafT.T.6ArpMidSealingsFrom the Burnt Structure
AP-178A. 120053/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-179A. 120153/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-180A. 120253/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-181A. 120353/491Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-182A. 120453/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-183A. 120553/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-184A. 120653/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-185A. 120753/1324Loose in soil1.2 mArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsF -1.2m is again in the messy area of Ubaid burials cut into Halaf levels. Due to lack of reference to graves assumed to be from the Halaf level matrix.
AP-186A. 120853/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-187A. 120953/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-188A. 121053/444Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-189A. 121153/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-190A. 121253/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-191A. 121353/445Loose in soil1.4 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsContext in A -1.4 comes from von Wickede and it is again difficult to know exactly where these contexts came from. The reports suggest an Ubaid date and von Wickede a Uruk date but the notes from area A are very partial and offer no real suggestion of chronology. As such will follow von Wickede.
AP-192A. 121453/492Surface0 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsT.T. Surface is a problematic area argued as Ubaid by Mallowan but containing considerable amounts of Uruk pottery. This sealing was assigned by Wickede, see references, as dating to the late Uruk where it has stylistic parallels. It has been taken as ArpVeryLate.
AP-193A. 121553/1324Loose in soil1 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsTrench C-D is the junction between C and D. This places it close to where an ambiguous pot was recorded possible of Ubaid or Halaf type (1.3m). However this context comes from von Wickede who also interprets the artefact as Uruk. The design is very unclear and without more convincing contextual information the designation ArpVeryLate will be given.
AP-194A. 121653/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.
AP-195A. 121753/1324G, -2m?2 mArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealings53/1324 from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL have no field numbers but are sometimes given contexts recorded by von Wickede, see reference. In this case 2m in Trench G. G is the least recorded of the trenches with a single comment about 2 bowls found at 1.1m. Stylistically the inter-twinned snakes are Uruk so von Wickede's designation will be followed.
AP-196A. 121853/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasHalafUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpMidSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpMid following von Wickede.
AP-197A. 121953/1324Loose in soilT.T.2Arpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsT.T.2 is towards the top of the mound and argueable happily Ubaid. Von Wickede again defines the sealing as Uruk however and his judgement is again followed.
AP-198A. 122053/1324Loose in soilUnknownArpachiyah Site AreasUrukUnknown (Arpachiyah)ArpVeryLateSealingsNo contextual information available, assigned as ArpVeryLate following von Wickede.