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[[Category:Design Group]]

Revision as of 19:25, 24 December 2011

Radiating Lines.


Lines and Circle

Lines and Cross

Lines and Diagonal Cross

Lines and Dot

AP-002AP-002 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and Diagonal CrossPendantOvalWedgeVertical Eyelet
AP-011AP-011 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and DotPendantPearWedgePierced through Body
AP-012AP-012 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossPendantPearWedgePierced through Body
AP-023AP-023 Face.jpgRadiating LinesNot sure on sub-group. Needs more thoughtPendantSickleWedgePierced through Body
AP-043AP-043 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLinesStampOvalDomedPierced through Body
AP-177AP-177 Face.jpgRadiating LinesCentripedalSealing
BK-002BK-002 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLinesStampCircularRaisedCentral Eyelet
BK-005BK-005 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and Diagonal CrossPendantPearPearVertical Eyelet
CB-010CB-010 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossStampCircularBowledCentral Eyelet
DZ-026DZ-026 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossStampCircularFlatCovering Eyelet
DZ-042DZ-042 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CircleStampNotched CircularFlatCentral Eyelet
DZ-053DZ-053 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossStampCircularFlatCentral Eyelet
DZ-056DZ-056 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossStampNotched CircularFlatCentral Eyelet
DZ-077DZ-077 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossStampOvalBlunt ConePierced through Body
DZ-089DZ-089 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossBeadCloverFlatPierced through Body
DZ-101DZ-101 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossBeadCloverFlatPierced through Body
DZ-117DZ-117 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CircleStampCircularFlatCentral Eyelet
DZ-153DZ-153 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossBeadCircularTwinPierced through Body
TJ-003TJ-003 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and DotStampNotched CircularRidgedCovering Eyelet
UK-047UK-047 Face.jpgRadiating LinesLines and CrossPendantTriangularBulbVertical Eyelet


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.


Pages in category "Radiating Lines"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.