Descriptions of items from Arpachiyah
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From Aktanak
ItemCode | ArtefactDescription | |
AP-001 | AP-001 | Triangular orange baked clay pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped with the top thicker than the bottom; pierced at the top; incised geometric cross-hatched design with dots in the bottom left and right corners. Seal is complete. |
AP-002 | AP-002 | Oval mottled green stone pendant seal; Profile is wedge shaped with the reverse slightly curved; pierced at the top; incised geometric design with a central cross and other incisions roughly aligned with the centre of the artefact. Face of the seal is slightly broken. |
AP-003 | AP-003 | Rounded triangular dark green stone pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped with a rapid thinning from the top; pierced at the top; incised geometric design with a central framed unit of square and triangular cross-hatching flanked by incised lines aligned with a central line. Seal body is chipped with concretions on the face. |
AP-004 | AP-004 | Sub-oval/triangular dark green stone pendant seal; profile is rounded; pierced at the top; incised geometric design with a central framed unit of square and triangular cross-hatching flanked by incised lines aligned with a central line. Suspension loop is broken. |
AP-005 | AP-005 | Triangular red with dark green mottling stone pendant seal; profile is wedged shaped, thicker at the top; incised geometric design with a central framed unit of square and triangular cross-hatching flanked by incised lines aligned with a central line. Seal is complete. |
AP-006 | AP-006 | Trapezoid cream stone pendant seal; profile is rectangular; incised geometric design had 5 deep vertical lines at roughly regular intervals, the spaces between the lines have diamond cross-hatching. Condition is complete. |
AP-007 | AP-007 | Roughly pear shaped with an elongated suspension loop; dark green with lighter green mottling stone pendant seal; reverse of seal is incised with lines that resemble a shell; profile is wedge shaped; incised geometric design has square cross-hatching inter-cut with large diagonal cross-hatching. Condition is complete. |
AP-008 | AP-008 | 'House' shaped black stone amulet; object has a gabled roof with tapered edges above an elongated handle ending in a suspension loop. Condition is good but there is slight damage to the end of the object. This 'house' shaped amulet is exceptionally unusual but matches the apparent appearance of Halaf buildings based on images found at Tell al'Ubaid and Domuztepe. |
AP-009 | AP-009 | Roughly oval very dark green stone pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped but tapers only close to the bottom of the seal; pierced inline with the body of the seal at the top; incised geometric design has 2 horizontal lines intersected with regular diagonals surrounded by incised lines roughly aligned with the centre of the seal. Condition is generally good but there is some slight chipping at the top. |
AP-010 | AP-010 | Artefact is circular with a smooth protusion at the top for the suspension loop; green stone pendant seal; profile is torpedo-shaped; design appears unfinished with only a couple of apparently random incised lines. Suspension loop is broken. |
AP-011 | AP-011 | Pear shaped black (v-dark green) stone pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped; incised geometric design has two dots in the middle of the seal with a series of incised lines, some roughly aligned with the dots, others more random. Condition is complete |
AP-012 | AP-012 | Rounded triangular black (v-dark green) pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped with a slightly rounded top; incised geometric design has a central horizontal line with a series of incised lines aligned towards the centre of the seal. Condition is complete. |
AP-013 | AP-013 | 'Shield' shaped black pendant seal; profile is torpedo shaped; design has been deliberately defaced with 2-3 mm removed from the face, what remains suggests a square cross-hatched pattern. Condition is otherwise good. |
AP-014 | AP-014 | Pear shaped black pendant seal; profile is bulbous and wider at the bottom than the top; incised geometric design has an off-centre cross surrounded by aligned diagonal lines forming squares. Two unaligned small lines are also found at the top of the seal. Condition is complete. |
AP-015 | AP-015 | Circular with protruding suspension loop; yellow/Red/Brown stone pendant seal; profile is torpedo shaped; incised geometric design has a central cross surrounded by aligned diagonal lines forming squares (very similar to AP-014) and also has random short lines in the top of the seal. Condition is complete. |
AP-016 | AP-016 | Roughly circular with protruding suspension loop; brown/green stone pendant seal; profile is torpedo shaped; incised geometric design has a central star (*) shape surrounded by aligned diagonal lines forming squares (see AP-015 and 014). Condition is complete. |
AP-017 | AP-017 | Oval black with white mottled stone pendant seal; profile is torpedo shaped; incised geometric design has two vertical incised lines and two roughly horizontal lines as well as a random assortment of other incised lines. Condition is complete. |
AP-018 | AP-018 | Irregular black stone amulet; amulet appears to be bird shaped but this is likely a result of the damage to the body of the object as opposed to deliberate; incised geometric design is rough triangular cross-hatching (sort of similar to AP-017); Considerable damage to one side of the amulet, impossible to tell extent. |
AP-019 | AP-019 | Oval cream coloured stamp seal; profile is triangular; incised geometric design is roughly leaf-shaped. Suspension loop is broken. |
AP-020 | AP-020 | V-shaped white pendant seal; suspension loop is aligned with design of seal and profile is essentially flat; incised geometric design has a series of essentially random largely short incised lines. Condition is complete. |
AP-021 | AP-021 | Triangular (lotus-shaped?) black stone pendant seal; profile is flat; incised design has a pair of vertical lines aligned with the point of the triangle with a group of horizontal lines framed by the vertical ones. |
AP-022 | AP-022 | Sickle (U-shaped) black stone pendant seal; profile is flat and suspension loop is aligned with the seal body; incised geometric design has a lot of incised lines covering the entire surface with no obvious patterning. |
AP-023 | AP-023 | Sickle/U-shaped black stone pendant seal; top edge/side has incised teeth and pierced at the top; incised geometric design is a series of V shaped with vertical lines in the Vs. Seal is complete. |
AP-024 | AP-024 | Unfinished green pendant seal; Unpierced, although a platform prepared for piercing exists; No design. Seal is complete. |
AP-025 | AP-025 | Brown stone pendant seal shaped like a bull's hoof (?). |
AP-026 | AP-026 | This object is not from Arpachiyah, instead it is from a site about 2 km from Arpachiyah called Gogjeli. It is included here within Arpachiyah for ease of use and no information is available on the site of Gogjeli. Black boar's or bull's head stone pendant seal; pierced through the ears; incised geometric design has a central line with 4 crosses and lots of aligned diagonal lines. |
AP-027 | AP-027 | Duck shaped black stone amulet; pierced through the body of the amulet. |
AP-028 | AP-028 | Black duck shaped amulet pierced through the middle of the body; very flat. |
AP-029 | AP-029 | Black stone amulet; has two 'wings' separated by a deep incised line with a piercing at the top, looks like there might have been another piercing at the bottom but it has broken. |
AP-030 | AP-030 | 'Double-Ax' shaped amulet with a tubular middle through which it is pierced; no design. Chipping. |
AP-031 | AP-031 | Black stone Amulet; divided into four sections by a cross, top section is smallest and pierced; left and right sections are triangular and broken at the bottom, bottom section complete. |
AP-032 | AP-032 | Circular black stamp seal with high rounded back; small perforated handle; incised geometric design has a deep central cross with rough incised lines in the quadrants roughly aligned with each other. Seal is complete. |
AP-033 | AP-033 | Perfect circular black button-shaped stone stamp seal; reverse is very smooth with signs of wear on the suspension loop; uncarved. Seal is complete. |
AP-034 | AP-034 | Baked clay bead; long and flat with strange markings on one side; lots of pressed vs and larger triangular areas, lots of concretion. |
AP-035 | AP-035 | Circular black stone stamp seal; reverse is thin with a central eyelet; design is triangular cross-hatching. Seal face is broken |
AP-036 | AP-036 | Circular black stone stamp seal; back is rounded and the perforated handle has been broken off with two later holes drilled part-way through the seal; incised geometric design is a mixture of square and circular cross-hatching. Seal reverse is badly damaged. |
AP-037 | AP-037 | roughly circular black stone stamp seal; face and reverse are badly broken with only half the handle and 2/3 of the face remaining; design has a central circle with a cross centred on it, surrounded by roughly aligned square cross-hatching. |
AP-038 | AP-038 | Circular pink stone stamp seal; back is slightly rounded with a large suspension loop; incised geometric cross-hatched design. Object is complete. |
AP-039 | AP-039 | Circular yellow stone stamp seal with thick domed reverse which was drilled down to form the eyelet; incised geometric design has a series of lines crossing the seal with diagonals connecting some of them, possible unfinished. Seal is largely complete, slight chip on face. |
AP-040 | AP-040 | Rectangular with rounded corners; cream stone stamp seal; reverse is very flat but the suspension loop broke and the seal was re-drilled through the centre; incised design has a large square cross-hatching and a series of roughly aligned diagonals. |
AP-041 | AP-041 | circular yellow stone stamp seal; rounded reverse with large handle; seal design is badly broken square cross-hatching, many of the squares have broken off. |
AP-042 | AP-042 | roughly rectangular orange clay stamp seal; reverse is thick with a small unperforated handle; design is crude with a deep central vertical line crossed by smalled horizontal lines at semi-regular intervals. |
AP-043 | AP-043 | Oval grey clay seal with pronounced rounded back and face; linear markings radiate from the centre to the edge of the seal regularly. complete |
AP-044 | AP-044 | Rectangular clay with rounded back stamp seal; perforated handle on the reverse; design is very strange. See picture. |
AP-045 | AP-045 | Circular black stone stamp seal with small handle; face is broken and part of the back; Design is very unusual and made up from lots of short incisions aligned to form a central cross and framing line round the rim of the seal; the quadrants are deeply cut out. |
AP-046 | AP-046 | Baked clay bead; long and tubular with strange markings on one side; lots of pressed vs and larger triangular areas, lots of concretion. |
AP-047 | AP-047 | |
AP-048 | AP-048 | |
AP-049 | AP-049 | |
AP-050 | AP-050 | |
AP-051 | AP-051 | |
AP-052 | AP-052 | Maybe a seal? Linear markings on both sides. |
AP-053 | AP-053 | |
AP-054 | AP-054 | Looks like an Iron Cross. |
AP-055 | AP-055 | |
AP-056 | AP-056 | |
AP-057 | AP-057 | |
AP-058 | AP-058 | |
AP-059 | AP-059 | |
AP-060 | AP-060 | |
AP-061 | AP-061 | |
AP-062 | AP-062 | |
AP-063 | AP-063 | |
AP-064 | AP-064 | perforated oddly, apparently an obsidian disk |
AP-065 | AP-065 | |
AP-066 | AP-066 | Interesting |
AP-067 | AP-067 | |
AP-068 | AP-068 | |
AP-069 | AP-069 | |
AP-070 | AP-070 | |
AP-071 | AP-071 | |
AP-072 | AP-072 | |
AP-073 | AP-073 | |
AP-074 | AP-074 | Perhaps a sealing |
AP-075 | AP-075 | |
AP-076 | AP-076 | |
AP-077 | AP-077 | |
AP-078 | AP-078 | |
AP-079 | AP-079 | |
AP-080 | AP-080 | |
AP-081 | AP-081 | |
AP-082 | AP-082 | |
AP-083 | AP-083 | |
AP-084 | AP-084 | |
AP-085 | AP-085 | |
AP-086 | AP-086 | |
AP-087 | AP-087 | |
AP-088 | AP-088 | |
AP-089 | AP-089 | |
AP-090 | AP-090 | Described as a "Dark greenish grey mottled marble. Square. Amulet. No photo exists and the artefact is located in the Iraq museum. Impossible to therefore assign to a period or classification. |
AP-091 | AP-091 | |
AP-092 | AP-092 | |
AP-093 | AP-093 | |
AP-094 | AP-094 | |
AP-095 | AP-095 | |
AP-096 | AP-096 | |
AP-097 | AP-097 | Unfinished? |
AP-098 | AP-098 | |
AP-099 | AP-099 | |
AP-100 | AP-100 | |
AP-101 | AP-101 | Described as a black stone barrel bead with a while paste infilling. No pictures exist or anything useful. |
AP-102 | AP-102 | |
AP-103 | AP-103 | |
AP-104 | AP-104 | Black Steatite Duck |
AP-105 | AP-105 | |
AP-106 | AP-106 | |
AP-107 | AP-107 | |
AP-108 | AP-108 | |
AP-109 | AP-109 | Lozenge shaped with a foot |
AP-110 | AP-110 | Black duck shaped amulet pierced through the middle of the body; very flat. |
AP-111 | AP-111 | Black duck shaped amulet pierced through the middle of the body; very flat. |
AP-112 | AP-112 | |
AP-113 | AP-113 | |
AP-114 | AP-114 | |
AP-115 | AP-115 | Pictures very unclear onto the characteristics of the artefact. Described as a flattened conoid bead and possible a spindle whorl head. Not that interesting I reckon. |
AP-116 | AP-116 | |
AP-117 | AP-117 | |
AP-118 | AP-118 | Described as 'Quatrefoil with roll handle. Linear markings on underside.' No image of the design so hard to classify, geometricy I guess. |
AP-119 | AP-119 | |
AP-120 | AP-120 | |
AP-121 | AP-121 | |
AP-122 | AP-122 | multiple objects |
AP-123 | AP-123 | |
AP-124 | AP-124 | |
AP-125 | AP-125 | |
AP-126 | AP-126 | |
AP-127 | AP-127 | Baked clay bead; long and tubular with strange markings on one side; lots of pressed vs and larger triangular areas. |
AP-128 | AP-128 | |
AP-129 | AP-129 | |
AP-130 | AP-130 | |
AP-131 | AP-131 | |
AP-132 | AP-132 | |
AP-133 | AP-133 | |
AP-134 | AP-134 | |
AP-135 | AP-135 | |
AP-136 | AP-136 | |
AP-137 | AP-137 | |
AP-138 | AP-138 | |
AP-139 | AP-139 | |
AP-140 | AP-140 | |
AP-141 | AP-141 | |
AP-142 | AP-142 | |
AP-143 | AP-143 | |
AP-144 | AP-144 | |
AP-145 | AP-145 | |
AP-146 | AP-146 | |
AP-147 | AP-147 | |
AP-148 | AP-148 | |
AP-149 | AP-149 | |
AP-150 | AP-150 | |
AP-151 | AP-151 | |
AP-152 | AP-152 | |
AP-153 | AP-153 | |
AP-154 | AP-154 | |
AP-155 | AP-155 | |
AP-156 | AP-156 | |
AP-157 | AP-157 | |
AP-158 | AP-158 | |
AP-159 | AP-159 | |
AP-160 | AP-160 | |
AP-161 | AP-161 | |
AP-162 | AP-162 | |
AP-163 | AP-163 | |
AP-164 | AP-164 | |
AP-165 | AP-165 | |
AP-166 | AP-166 | |
AP-167 | AP-167 | |
AP-168 | AP-168 | |
AP-169 | AP-169 | |
AP-170 | AP-170 | |
AP-171 | AP-171 | |
AP-172 | AP-172 | |
AP-173 | AP-173 | |
AP-174 | AP-174 | |
AP-175 | AP-175 | |
AP-176 | AP-176 | |
AP-177 | AP-177 | |
AP-178 | AP-178 | |
AP-179 | AP-179 | |
AP-180 | AP-180 | |
AP-181 | AP-181 | |
AP-182 | AP-182 | |
AP-183 | AP-183 | |
AP-184 | AP-184 | |
AP-185 | AP-185 | |
AP-186 | AP-186 | |
AP-187 | AP-187 | |
AP-188 | AP-188 | |
AP-189 | AP-189 | |
AP-190 | AP-190 | |
AP-191 | AP-191 | |
AP-192 | AP-192 | |
AP-193 | AP-193 | |
AP-194 | AP-194 | |
AP-195 | AP-195 | |
AP-196 | AP-196 | |
AP-197 | AP-197 | |
AP-198 | AP-198 |