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From Aktanak
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This page summarises the bibliographic data available on each of the items from Chagar Bazar. This is not a comprehensive listing and instead only covers the primary sources containing primary data on the artefacts.
| ArtefactFace | A number | Type | Excavator | BM number | References | CB-001 |  | S.775 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.426 | Wiseman (1962) (p.33 pl.29a) Mallowan (1936) (pp.11. 29. pl.I.5) |
CB-002 |  | S.784 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.428 | Mallowan (1936) (p.25. fig.7.10) |
CB-003 |  | S. 791 | Pendant | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.429 | Mallowan (1936) (pp.23-25. fig.7.12) |
CB-004 |  | Unknown | Bead | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.186 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-005 |  | Unknown | Bead | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.185 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-006 |  | S.706 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.432 | Mallowan (1936) (pp.24-25. fig. 7.1. pl.I.7) Herzfeld (1941) (cf.?) |
CB-007 |  | S. 756 | Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.433 | Mallowan (1936) (fig.7.9) |
CB-008 |  | S. 732 | Amulet | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.436 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-009 |  | Unknown | Bead | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.438 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-010 |  | None | Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.444 | Mallowan (1936) (Pg 25. Fig 7.6) |
CB-011 |  | S. 745 | Amulet | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.445 | Mallowan M E L 1936 (Fig 7.11) |
CB-012 |  | S.750 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.427 | Herzfeld (1941) (p. 67 fig.125) Mallowan (1936) (pp.24. 26. fig.7.26) |
CB-013 |  | S. 752 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1935,1207.448 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-014 |  | A. 929 | Amulet/Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.149 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-015 |  | A. 926 | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.148 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-016 |  | A. 924 | Amulet/Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.146 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-017 |  | A. 924 | Amulet/Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.145 | Author (date) (PG) |
CB-018 |  | A. 923 | Stamp Seal | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.143 | Mallowan (1937) (Fig 14.21) |
CB-019 |  | Unknown | | Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan | 1936,1216.141 | Author (date) (PG) |