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From Aktanak
Revision as of 04:37, 6 October 2011 by Jakes (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to Aktanak

Aktanak is a repository of information of early stamp seals of the Middle East primarily focusing on artefacts from the Ubaid and earlier. It is still under construction and many elements will therefore not be complete. It has been created to accompany the PhD of Simon Denham, an AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Award between the University of Manchester and The British Museum. It is a link building service three year project begun in September 2009.

At present it covers 349 stamp seals and 166 other objects, mostly 'pendants' or sealings.

The information can be accessed through a number of methods depending on your interests, if you wish to look specifically at the artefacts from an individual site please go to Regions and narrow down by modern geo-political boundaries, if you wish a specific artefact group via Artefacts and specific materials via Materials. These top-level categories can also be accessed from the categories section of the sidebar. Once more interpretive elements are added they too will have their own top-level category.

Key Sites

Arpachiyah Domuztepe

At present the only section largely complete is that of Arpachiyah.