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]> 2025-03-09T22:24:48+00:00 AP-003 0 Image:None Black Chipped Loose in soil 1934,0210.338 3.5 m Rounded triangular dark green stone pendant seal; profile is wedge shaped with a rapid thinning from the top; pierced at the top; incised geometric design with a central framed unit of square and triangular cross-hatching flanked by incised lines aligned with a central line. Seal body is chipped with concretions on the face. A. 553 Amulet 0.00877 0.01925 Length broken Very dark green 0.002 0.02238 Rounded Triangular Vertical Eyelet Wedge Pendant Stars and Hatches Smooth AP-003 Recorded as 'FN. -3.50m close to tomb.' Difficult to contextualise. F is the Ubaid cemetery but -3.5m is below all except two of the burials(G. 40 and 42) which were cut into Halaf levels. Assuming the artefact was just close to one of the burials and not part of one it shall be assigned to the Halaf levels. Unknown (Arpachiyah) 2012-01-11T11:53:40Z 2455937.9956019 AP-003 0 1 template 2 [[ArtefactPhase2::ArpMid]] AP-003 0 1 template 2 [[ArtefactPhase2::ArpMid]] AP-003