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Warning: Parameter 1 to widgetParserFunctions() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

Warning: Parameter 1 to ImageMap::onParserFirstCallInit() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

Warning: Parameter 1 to InputBoxHooks::register() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

Warning: Parameter 1 to Poem::init() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

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Warning: Parameter 1 to MapsHooks::onParserClearState() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

Warning: Parameter 1 to ExtArrays::onParserClearState() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/shdenham.co.uk/httpdocs/mw/includes/Hooks.php on line 201

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]> 2025-03-09T21:21:47+00:00 Von Wickede (1991) 0 von Wickede, A. 1991. 'Chalcolithic sealings from Arpachiyah in the collection of the Institute of Archaeology, London' ''Institute of archaeology bulletin''. Vol. 28. pp. 153-196. Publication of all the Arpachiyah sealings, not just the Institute of Archaeology. Including a number von Wickede discovered himself in the Institute. Not available online. 2012-01-05T11:55:54Z 2455931.9971528 Von Wickede (1991) 0 2 broadtable 3 [[ArtefactReferences.Page::Von Wickede (1991)]] Von Wickede (1991) 0 AP-188 0 AP-195 0 AP-194 0 AP-152 0 AP-172 0 AP-150 0 AP-177 0 AP-134 0 AP-129 0 AP-130 0 AP-131 0 AP-132 0 AP-133 0 AP-135 0 AP-136 0 AP-138 0 AP-139 0 AP-140 0 AP-141 0 AP-142 0 AP-144 0 AP-145 0 AP-146 0 AP-148 0 AP-151 0 AP-153 0 AP-155 0 AP-156 0 AP-157 0 AP-158 0 AP-161 0 AP-163 0 AP-165 0 AP-167 0 AP-169 0 AP-170 0 AP-171 0 AP-175 0 AP-178 0 AP-179 0 AP-180 0 AP-181 0 AP-183 0 AP-184 0 AP-187 0 AP-189 0 AP-190 0 AP-196 0 AP-192 0 AP-197 0 AP-198 0 AP-162 0 AP-143 0 AP-137 0 AP-173 0 AP-160 0 AP-193 0 AP-159 0 AP-154 0 AP-147 0 AP-149 0 AP-164 0 AP-176 0 AP-166 0 AP-174 0 AP-128 0 AP-182 0 AP-185 0 AP-186 0 AP-168 0 AP-191 Page 102 Page