Difference between revisions of "TJ-003"

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Line 8: Line 8:
|Seal design group=Y geometric
|Seal design group=Y geometric
|Artefact context=To do
|Artefact context=To do
|Site=Tell Jidle
|Colour=Mottled Black/Grey
|Colour=Mottled Black/Grey

Revision as of 14:10, 9 July 2010

The unique identifying number for this artefact.
Item Code:
The quality of the data.
Data Quality:
The general type of artefact.
Stamp Seal
The site/location the artefact was found at.
Tell Jidle
"Tell Jidle" is not in the list of possible values (Abu Husaini, Arpachiyah, Atchana, Arslantepe, Babylon, Banahilk, Boztepe, Byblos, Carchemish, Tell Chenchi, Chigha-Pahan, Çatalhöyük, Chatal Hoyuk, Çavi Tarlasi, Çayönü, Chagar Bazar, Deh-Bid, Degirmentepe, Dhahab, Domuztepe, Eridu, Fistikli Höyük, Germayir, Gird Banahilk, Girikhaciyan, Gogjeli, Habuba Kabira, Hama, Hamam at-Turkman, Hassek Hoyuk, Jerablus Tahtani, Judaidah, Kozagaran, Kazane Höyük, Kurban Höyük, Kurdu, Membij, Merj Khamis, Mersin, Mogharab, Nairab, Norsuntepe, Nimrud, Ninevah, Qminas, Ras Shamra, Rumkale, Sargarab, Sakce Gözü‎, Sarafabad, Susa, Tabara Akrad, Tall-i Bakun, Tal-i-Regi, Tell el-Handaquq, Taciynat, Tell al-Kaum, Tell al-'Uwali, Tell Aqab, Tell Acana, Tell Ahmar, Tell Asmar, Tell Barri, Tell Bashar, Tell Buqras, Tell Brak, Tell Dahab, Tell el-Kerkh, Tell Halaf, Tell Hasan, Tell Hassuna, Tell Khalid, Tell Maghzaliyah, Tell Matarrah, Tell 'Uqair, Tell Ramad, Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Tawila, Tell Sukas, Tell Tayinat, Tell Qaling Aga, Tell Qaminas, Tell-i Iblis, Telloh, Telul eth-Thalathat, Telyab, Tepe Gaura, Tepe Giyan, Tepe Sabz, Tulul al-Talatat, Unknown, Umm Qseir, Ur, Uruk, Wadi Hamman, Yarim Tepe I, Yarim Tepe II, Yarim Tepe III, Yumuktepe, Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyüğü) for this property.
The basic colour of the artefact.
Basic Colour:
The specific colour of the artefact.
Specific Colour:
The general type of material the artefact is made of i.e. Stone or Bone.
Base Material:
The specific material the artefact is made of i.e. Marble or Limestone.
Specific Material:
See Artefact Condition for a full definition of condition types
The traditional archaeological phase the artefact is from.
The Aktanak phase the object is from
The earliest date BCE the object could be
Earliest Date:
Some use of "<nowiki>[[</nowiki>" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
The latest date BCE the object could be
Latest Date:
Some use of "<nowiki>[[</nowiki>" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
Arbitary type with a similar size
Length being the longest edge
28,650 mm
1,127.953 inches
Width being the shorter edge
28.42 m
2,842 cm
28,420 mm
0.0284 km
0.0177 miles
Height of the artefact, including suspension loop
Full Height:
12.45 m
1,245 cm
12,450 mm
0.0125 km
0.00774 miles
8.5 kg
8,500 g
1.339 stones
18.739 lb
299.829 onces
Comment on the completeness of the measurements
Measurement Comment:

Return to list Category:Stamp Seal at Tell Jidle


Artefact description

Round seal face with incised lines radiating at semi-regular intervals from a central pierced hole. Four other holes are lovated at 90 degree intervals. The face has 5 axes of reflectional symmetry. The reverse of the seal rises to a tapered point where t

Body and Design information

The type of object
Body Type:
The design group of the object
Design Type:
Y geometric
The profile of the object defines the reverse and method of suspension
Body Reverse:
The design sub group of the object
Design Sub-Type:
Defines the shape of the face of the object
Body Face:
The specific elements that form the seal design
Design Elements:
The specific elements that form the seal body
Body Elements:
If a sealing, the type (door, label, etc.) of sealing
Sealing Type:
Nature of the Piercing
Piercing Type:
Type Comments:

Specific Location

Context: To do
Site Area:
Site Lot:
Site Lot Group: Unassigned

Additional Information

Artefact Location: The British Museum
Artefact Excavator:
Artefact Excavator Type:
Artefact Excavator Number:
Artefact Depot Number: 1939,0208.192
Artefact References: Author (date) (PG)

Attached Media

The Face of TJ-003
The Side(s) of TJ-003
The Reverse of TJ-003
The Impression of TJ-003
Other perspectives of TJ-003
Drawing of TJ-003

Page uses the form Artefact

Facts about "TJ-003"
ArtefactAdditionalMediaImage:None +
ArtefactConditionGood +
ArtefactContextTo do +
ArtefactDepotNumber1939,0208.192 +
ArtefactDescriptionRound seal face with incised lines radiating at semi-regular intervals from a central pierced hole. Four other holes are lovated at 90 degree intervals. The face has 5 axes of reflectional symmetry. The reverse of the seal rises to a tapered point where t +
ArtefactDrawingFile:None +
ArtefactFaceFile:None +
ArtefactHeightFull12.45 m (1,245 cm, 12,450 mm, 0.0125 km, 0.00774 miles, 40.846 foot, 490.158 inches) +
ArtefactImpressionFile:None +
ArtefactLength28,650 mm (1,127.953 inches) +
ArtefactLocationThe British Museum +
ArtefactOtherFile:None +
ArtefactReferencesAuthor (date) (PG) +
ArtefactReverseFile:None +
ArtefactSideFile:None +
ArtefactTypeStamp Seal +
ArtefactWeight8.5 kg (8,500 g, 1.339 stones, 18.739 lb, 299.829 onces) +
ArtefactWidth28.42 m (2,842 cm, 28,420 mm, 0.0284 km, 0.0177 miles, 93.241 foot, 1,118.898 inches) +
DesignGroupY geometric +
ItemCodeTJ-003 +
MaterialBasicStone +
MaterialSpecificMarble +
PeriodHalaf +
SiteLotGroupUnassigned +
Page has default form
This property is a special property in this wiki.
Artefact +