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Latest revision as of 17:00, 25 May 2010

Author(s) Akira Tsuneki, Jamal Hydar, Yutaka Miyake, Sadayuki Akahane, Torn Nakamura, Makoto Arimura, Shuichi Sekine
Reference Tsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Nakamura, T. Arimura, M. Sekine, S. 1997. 'First Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1997), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 18: 1-40
Summaries First preliminary report of the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh.
Sites Tell el-Kerkh
Facts about "Tsuneki et al (1997)"
AuthorAkira Tsuneki +, Jamal Hydar +, Yutaka Miyake +, Sadayuki Akahane +, Torn Nakamura +, Makoto Arimura + and Shuichi Sekine +
FullReferenceTsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Nakamura, T. Arimura, M. Sekine, S. 1997. 'First Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1997), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 18: 1-40 +
SiteTell el-Kerkh +
SummaryFirst preliminary report of the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh. +