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(previous 25) (next 25)A | |
Algaze (1989) + | Algaze, G. 1989. 'Tepe Chenchi: An Important Settlement Near Khorsabad' in Albert Leonard, jr and Bruce Williams (eds.) <i>Essays in Ancient Civilization presented to Helene J. Kantor</i>. Chicago: The Oriental Institute. pp. 1-31. + |
Algaze (1990) + | Algaze, G. 1990. <i>Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia. Vol. II: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban Höyük</i>. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. + |
C | |
Campbell (1998) + | Campbell, S. 1998. "Domuztepe" <i>Anatolian Archaeology</i> 4: 4-5 + |
Campbell (2000) + | Campbell, S. 2000. "The Burnt House at Arpachiyah: A Reexamination" <i>Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research</i> 318: 1-40 + |
D | |
Davidson and McKerrell (1980) + | Davidson, T. E., and Hugh McKerrell. “The Neutron Activation Analysis of Halaf and ’Ubaid Pottery from Tell Arpachiyah and Tepe Gawra.” Iraq 42, no. 2 (1980): 155–167. + |
F | |
Fukai and Matsutani (1981) + | Fukai, S and Matsutani, T. 1981. <i>Telul Eth-Thalathat: The Excavation of Tell II, The Fifth Season (1976)</i>. Vol. 4. Tokyo: The Institute of Oriental Culture, The University of Tokyo. + |
H | |
Hijara (1978) + | Hijara, I. 1978. "Three New Graves at Arpachiyah", ''World Archaeology'' 10, 2: 125-128. + |
J | |
Jörg Becker (2005) + | Becker, J. 2005. <i>Ausgrabungen in Tell Tawila (Nordost-Syrien) 2005</i>. (Accessed 18/01/2012) + |
Jörg Becker (2006) + | Becker, J. 2006. <i>Ausgrabungen in Tell Tawila (Nordost-Syrien) 2006</i>. (Accessed 18/01/2012) + |
M | |
Mallowan (1936) + | Mallowan, M. 1937. "The Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar, and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region" <i>Iraq</i>. Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 1-59+61-85. + |
Mallowan (1937) + | Mallowan, M. 1937. "The Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region. Second Campaign, 1936" <i>Iraq</i>. Vol. 4, No. 2. pp. 91-177 + |
Mallowan (1946) + | Mallowan, M. 1946. "Excavations in the Baliḫ Valley, 1938" <i>Iraq</i>. Vol. 8, No. 1. pp. 111-159. + |
Mallowan (1947) + | Mallowan, M. 1947. "Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar" <i>Iraq</i>. Vol. 9. pp. 1-87+89-259+i-iv. + |
Mallowan and Rose (1935) + | Mallowan, M. E. L., and Rose, J. C. 1935 "Excavations at Tell Arpachiyah, 1933". <i>Iraq</i> 2: 1-178 + |
Merpert and Munchaev (1993a) + | Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) <i>Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq</i>. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 73-114. + |
Merpert and Munchaev (1993b) + | Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe II: The Halaf Levels' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) <i>Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq</i>. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 128-162. + |
Merpert and Munchaev (1993c) + | Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe III: The Ubaid Levels' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) <i>Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq</i>. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 225-240. + |
P | |
Parker and Creekmore (2002) + | Bradley Parker and Andrew Creekmore, 2002, 'The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project: A Final Report from the 1999 Field Season' <i>Anatolian Studies</i>, Vol. 52, pp. 19-74. + |
T | |
Tsuneki et al (1997) + | Tsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Nakamura, T. Arimura, M. Sekine, S. 1997. 'First Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1997), Northwestern Syria' <i>Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum</i> 18: 1-40 + |
Tsuneki et al (1998) + | Tsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Arimura, M. Nishiyama, S. Sha'baan, H. Anezakim, T. Yano, S. 1998. 'Second Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1998), Northwestern Syria' <i>Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum</i> 19:1-40 + |
Tsuneki et al (1999) + | Tsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Hudson, M. Arimura, M. Maeda, O. Odaka, T. Yano, S. 1999. 'Third Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1999), Northwestern Syria' <i>Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum</i> 20:1-32 + |
Tsuneki et al (2000) + | Tsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Maeda, O. Odaka, T. Tanno, K. Hasegawa, A. 2000. 'Fourth Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (2000), Northwestern Syria' <i>Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum</i> 21:1-36 + |
V | |
Von Oppenheim (1933) + | Von Oppenheim, M. 1933. ''Tell Halaf: A new Culture in oldest Mesopotamia''. Translated by Gerald Wheeler. London: G.P. Putman + |
Von Wickede (1990) + | von Wickede, A. 1990. <i>Prähistorische Stempelglyptik in Vorderasien</i>. Munich: Profil Verlag. + |
Von Wickede (1991) + | von Wickede, A. 1991. 'Chalcolithic sealings from Arpachiyah in the collection of the Institute of Archaeology, London' ''Institute of archaeology bulletin''. Vol. 28. pp. 153-196. + |