Hijara (1978)

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Author(s) Ismail Hijara
Reference Hijara, I. 1978. "Three New Graves at Arpachiyah", World Archaeology 10, 2: 125-128.
Summaries Results of a second excavation at Arpachiyah. Available institutionally at http://www.jstor.org/stable/124222 (31st May 2010)
Sites Arpachiyah
Facts about "Hijara (1978)"
AuthorIsmail Hijara +
FullReferenceHijara, I. 1978. "Three New Graves at Arpachiyah", World Archaeology 10, 2: 125-128. +
SiteCategory:Arpachiyah +
SummaryResults of a second excavation at Arpachiyah. Available institutionally at http://www.jstor.org/stable/124222 (31st May 2010) +