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Latest revision as of 17:05, 25 May 2010

Position(s) University of Tsukuba
Phone Number(s)

Tsuneki et al (1997)Tell el-KerkhTsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Nakamura, T. Arimura, M. Sekine, S. 1997. 'First Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1997), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 18: 1-40
Tsuneki et al (1998)Tell el-KerkhTsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Akahane, S. Arimura, M. Nishiyama, S. Sha'baan, H. Anezakim, T. Yano, S. 1998. 'Second Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1998), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 19:1-40
Tsuneki et al (1999)Tell el-KerkhTsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Hudson, M. Arimura, M. Maeda, O. Odaka, T. Yano, S. 1999. 'Third Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1999), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 20:1-32
Tsuneki et al (2000)Tell el-KerkhTsuneki, A. Hydar, J. Miyake, Y. Maeda, O. Odaka, T. Tanno, K. Hasegawa, A. 2000. 'Fourth Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (2000), Northwestern Syria' Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 21:1-36
Facts about "Yutaka Miyake"
AuthorPostUniversity of Tsukuba +