Merpert and Munchaev (1993b)
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From Aktanak
Revision as of 13:06, 17 January 2012 by Simon (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Literature |Author(s)=N. Ya. Merpert, R. M. Munchaev |Reference=Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) <i>Early Stages in th...")
Author(s) | N. Ya. Merpert, R. M. Munchaev |
Reference | Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 128-162. |
Summaries | |
Sites | Yarim Tepe "Yarim Tepe" is not in the list of possible values (Abu Husaini, Arpachiyah, Atchana, Arslantepe, Babylon, Banahilk, Boztepe, Byblos, Carchemish, Tell Chenchi, Chigha-Pahan, Çatalhöyük, Chatal Hoyuk, Çavi Tarlasi, Çayönü, Chagar Bazar, Deh-Bid, Degirmentepe, Dhahab, Domuztepe, Eridu, Fistikli Höyük, Germayir, Gird Banahilk, Girikhaciyan, Gogjeli, Habuba Kabira, Hama, Hamam at-Turkman, Hassek Hoyuk, Jerablus Tahtani, Judaidah, Kozagaran, Kazane Höyük, Kurban Höyük, Kurdu, Membij, Merj Khamis, Mersin, Mogharab, Nairab, Norsuntepe, Nimrud, Ninevah, Qminas, Ras Shamra, Rumkale, Sargarab, Sakce Gözü, Sarafabad, Susa, Tabara Akrad, Tall-i Bakun, Tal-i-Regi, Tell el-Handaquq, Taciynat, Tell al-Kaum, Tell al-'Uwali, Tell Aqab, Tell Acana, Tell Ahmar, Tell Asmar, Tell Barri, Tell Bashar, Tell Buqras, Tell Brak, Tell Dahab, Tell el-Kerkh, Tell Halaf, Tell Hasan, Tell Hassuna, Tell Khalid, Tell Maghzaliyah, Tell Matarrah, Tell 'Uqair, Tell Ramad, Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Tawila, Tell Sukas, Tell Tayinat, Tell Qaling Aga, Tell Qaminas, Tell-i Iblis, Telloh, Telul eth-Thalathat, Telyab, Tepe Gaura, Tepe Giyan, Tepe Sabz, Tulul al-Talatat, Unknown, Umm Qseir, Ur, Uruk, Wadi Hamman, Yarim Tepe I, Yarim Tepe II, Yarim Tepe III, Yumuktepe, Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyüğü) for this property.
Facts about "Merpert and Munchaev (1993b)"
Author | N. Ya. Merpert + and R. M. Munchaev + |
FullReference | Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim T … Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 128-162. University of Arizona Press. pp. 128-162. + |