Merpert and Munchaev (1993a)

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Author(s) N. Ya. Merpert, R. M. Munchaev
Reference Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 73-114.
Summaries The Pottery Neolithic phases from Yarim Tepe I.
Sites Yarim Tepe I
AuthorN. Ya. Merpert + and R. M. Munchaev +
FullReferenceMerpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim T
Merpert, N and Munchaev, R. 1989. 'Yarim Tepe I' in Norman Yoffee and Jeffery Clark (eds.) Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization: Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq. Tucson and London: The University of Arizona Press. pp. 73-114.
e University of Arizona Press. pp. 73-114. +
SiteYarim Tepe I +
SummaryThe Pottery Neolithic phases from Yarim Tepe I. +