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Name Germayir
Start Date 4000
End Date 3500
Site Period Late Chalcolithic
"Late Chalcolithic" is not in the list of possible values (Natufian, Pre-Pottery Neolithic, Pottery Neolithic, Halaf/PN, Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk, Early Dynastic, Historic) for this property.
Coords 36° 31' 23", 40° 32' 5"
Location Syria
Type Tell Site

General Information

Germayir is a small site from the Khabur survey of Mallowan 4 km to the west of Chagar Bazar. It apparently dates from the Late Chalcolithic.

Specific Information

Pre-Generated Information


  • Mallowan (1937) (Site report of Chagar Bazar and information on Mallowan's more general survey of the Khabur.)


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Facts about "Germayir"
SiteCoords36° 31' 23", 40° 32' 5"Latitude: 36.523
Longitude: 40.535
SiteCountrySyria +
SiteEnd3500 +
SiteStart4000 +
SiteTypeTell Site +
Page has default form
This property is a special property in this wiki.
Site +